Tuesday, 29 March 2011

More Felions I'm afraid..



I can't quite believe it, we did so, so well - especially considering the monumental music mess up. However, I can't help but wonder how well we would have done if it had all gone smoothly.. I think we'd be a fair amount further up that board.. BUT, that is still amaaaazing. I received this news on my birthday too, best birthday present ever!

OK, I promise there will be no more cheerleading posts until the next competition, back to the task in hand now. Which really should be my dissertation..

Monday, 21 March 2011

Who, who, can I get a who?

That's who.

This weekend I competed with the fantastic Goldsmiths Felions cheerleading squad at ICC Nationals in Birmingham. I love these guys SO much and just had the best weekend ever with them.

 The competition runs over a full weekend, with squads competing on both Saturday and Sunday; the marks get averaged and awards are on the Sunday evening. I mostly want to share this because I am super high from our success this weekend and want everyone to know how swell they are. :-)

We're not quite sure where we placed, but we did suuuuuuch a good routine and we're all super proud.
Also, check the uniforms! They're new and SO good. It makes a massive difference if you feel good in your uniforms, the routine has so much more attitude. And the bows finish it off nicely!

There was a bit of a music debacle which we won't go into, as it still makes me have a sad feeling. However, the way everyone pretended to ignore the massive calamity and carry on has to be testament to how freaking good everyone is!

So Felions, this one's for you. :-)

ps. There'll be more photos when they all start to surface. Mostly because I am SO proud.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

It's a cravey day..

I'm a self-confessed Coca-Cola addict. Seriously, I drink far too much of it, and I'm fully aware of how bad it is for me. So I decided at about 11.30pm on the Tuesday before, to give it up for Lent.

Today is my fifth day of no Coca-Cola consumption, and also the first day it has been remotely difficult.
Sunday has proved itself to be a day where I just crave junk food, regardless of what I'm doing with my weekend. I'm currently debating whether or not I should include Dr Pepper in my little rule, because it must be just as bad for me, and is essentially the same drink?! A little help on that one please.. My housemate suggested that I might drink non-branded Cola, but I shot that out of the water immediately - it's the drink I'm giving up, not the brand.

So, so far it's been relatively easy, which I wasn't expecting. That said, I'm absolutely dreading going to the cinema. You know the little ads they run before the trailers? There's always one that tells you, "There's still time for a Coke". That ALWAYS gets me, and back outside I run to get an ice cold coke. I fear that this is when I may relapse..

It's this bit when you can see the cold, fizzy goodness moving through the straw that really gets me..

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


My boyfriend is a gaming nerd. (I wouldn't have it any other way.)
I'm sure you can only imagine my joy when it came to my attention that I too could be a part of this world! By knitting my very own sackboy, from Little Big Planet!
For anyone who cannot imagine my joy, I was incredibly excited and everything else was dropped in order to focus on this little man!

A friend of mine mentioned in passing that a friend of hers had knitted her a sackboy and she would see if she could find the link for the pattern for me... lo and behold..

So here is how my Sackboy turned out..

I think it's not too shabby!

Personally, I see no difference.
I jest, I jest.

I am aware that the eyes and mouth are more than slightly wonky, but it all adds character. I am super pleased with how it turned out though and I think the boyf will love it. I've also discovered an absolute love for toy stuffing, so versatile, so soft! I might whack some into some cushion covers that I made over the summer; will report back!

I'm going to pop him in the post tomorrow, I'll be back later with the verdict.
Next project - BUNTING. Oh yeah!

Image credit: Stephanie Robyn and google images.