This post is LONG overdue. Around this time last year, my beautiful housemate taught me how to knit. And then ensued the longest battle ever to not enter into a knitting coma for the duration of my degree. I exercised huge amounts of self control. Shortly after my inaugural knit, I took on the task of knitting a jumper. Which took me approximately nine months to complete. I lost interest in it round about February, when everything at uni just went mental and I only managed to finish it this summer! It really is rustic. There are holes ALL over it, and the seams are all on the wrong sides, it's actually awful. But I LOVE it, it's so warm and cosy and a lovely festive dark red.
Usually I'm at least a little bit proud of anything I post on this blog, but the jumper? Not so much. But, if I didn't post it then I would be presenting a false image! That's the whole point of this blog, to catalogue my crafting explorations, whether the result be relatively pleasing or truly awful. I think my jumpy is somewhere in between. I'm not sure if this is something that we have invented or not, but my boyfriend and I call very woolly jumpers 'jumpys'. I have no idea why. So this my jumpy.
Please excuse my messy bedroom...
In conclusion, RE the jumper - I love it. But I will probably never ever ever knit a jumper again. Secondly, just a quick photo of my Twit-Knit club Project #1. It was supposed to be a blanket, but I ran out of the wool I was using and really didn't want to add any other colours. And I had no clue what wool I was using. So I turned it into a cushion and popped it onto my sister's bed, ready for her return from university! It's crazy how well it matches without my even intending it to!
For the back of the cushion I 'upcycled' an old, rather grotty, cushion cover I had knocking about. It felt nice to turn it into something that would be used more.
Speaking of upcycling, my Mum brought Refab's card home for me from Greenwich Market. I LOVE the doorstops. If you love upcycling and all things home-y, definitely check Refab out - I absolutely love little companies like this. DO IT! Hope it inspires you all.. If you have cats, then I'm pretty sure it will...
I wish I could knit, I'm terrible! Love the colour too! :)
Gee thanks! This jumper has taught me that I don't think I like knitting though. You should try it, it's really quite easy! :-) xx