Thursday, 19 April 2012

Book Challenge #3 - Domiknitrix

It may have seemed that I had forgotten about the book challenge that I rather optimistically set myself. This is absolutely not the case, I have just been monumentally lazy with posting about it! So here is a post that we'll backdate to Valentine's Day. 

I absolutely love giving my boyfriend handmade presents. (See previous million posts.) I'm not sure if he loves it so much, but he's really good at pretending if he doesn't. It all started two Easters ago, when I decided to make him a giant Easter themed iced cake. I won't lie, it was no oil painting, but it did taste amazing. I like to think since then that the gifts have only got better. To be fair, they couldn't really have got worse. 

For Valentine's Day this year I wanted to get Dave something super. It was the first present giving occasion that for our whole relationship that I had really been in a position to spend a bit more money. I knew that he loved my Kindle and would seriously make use of one of his own, so it was decided. A Kindle it was. But I was a tiny bit aware that it wasn't a particularly personal gift. It was very thoughtful, because I knew he would be so happy, but it didn't take much to click the order button on Amazon. So I decided to make something I'd had my eye on for a while.

I borrowed this book from a friend at uni and, I'm ashamed to say, never got round to giving it back. Keisha, if you're reading this, I have your book! And sorry. So! Every now and again I would open the book at this page and think, "Oh, I really must make that soon", close it up and put it back on the shelf. And I finally did it!

I'm so glad I decided to make it in the end; it was a fairly easy pattern and I think it turned out quite well! I hadn't done any knitting for so long, so it was almost like going back to the beginning. I really need to get a stitch counter or use some form of writing implement, because I got so confused on the second pattern piece that they are quite drastically different sizes. It didn't show up when I sewed it all together though, fortunately. The embroidery on the front isn't quite as neat and uniformed as in the book, but I think this adds to its authenticity and charm!
Dave absolutely loved it, and even though he is a MAN, it is still propped up lovingly on his bedside table. Probably because I would instigate the Spanish Inquisition if it ever moved.

Now that I've made something from this book I feel rather accomplished in the art of gothic knitting and feel rather inspired to take up another project! There are some things in the book that I won't touch with a barge pole, but other things - when done in the right colours - could be very tasteful!

Domiknitrix, check!

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