Friday, 9 March 2012

Clearing out the cupboards!

I currently have a surplus of days off on my hands. A blessing, some might say. A curse in disguise, I swiftly answer. I swear my mother goes out of her way to find jobs for me to do. Not that I mind one iota helping out around the house, I actually love cleaning and making rooms look pretty, but I hate uncomfortable jobs. And clearing out the kitchen cupboards required me to sit for hours of freezing cold floor tiles with my head shoved in a disintegrating cupboard.

Now this post is also fairly embarrassing, as my find will probably indicate just how long it's been since someone showed these cupboards any attention.. But, I found these!
Proper 70's throwback!

I absolutely adore these. The only thing that has crossed my mind, is that if one was to use these for their intended purpose, one would be required to write the recipe down before one started; they cleverly have the recipe written on the base of the dish, which would be covered with potato after Step 1. Given that my baking exploration has not gone well of late, I might just look at these a while longer and appreciate them without any food in them. It's probably safer.

I'm going to have a little browse and see if I can find anything to go with them!


  1. Hehe yes you would be stuffed if you forgot how long it said to leave it in!

    Really enjoying your posts so I have given you a follow :)

    Karys x

    1. Oh gee thanks! That's such a nice comment :-) I am for sure a follower, I LOVE finding new blogs! x
