Friday, 9 March 2012

Long time no blog!

I feel like I've neglected my blog a bit. I've discovered the hideously addictive world of YouTube beauty videos and I've been well and truly ensnared. The burning obsession seems to have now become but a glowing ember, but I've come out the other side with a weird desire to vlog. Not sure if this is a good idea. We'll see.

Now today is a very exciting day. Today I have left the Blackberry world and entered the iWorld. I just coined that phrase ALL BY MYSELF. Good, huh? I have a shiny white iPhone 4 that I think I love too much. I know that I've caught on about three years too late; I remember in the first year of uni being so in awe of all the 'cool kids' uploading their super hip Instagram photos. Yep, that was pretty much a recurrent theme right through to the third year. And subsequent graduation!

But today, I present to you, my new favourite piece of technology!

Wahhh, I love it so much! And I LOVE Instagram. I think this is going to make blogging so much easier and way less painless, so expect lots more pictures! 

The only thing I'm very slightly worried about is the white parts getting all make-uppy. Does anyone with a white phone have this problem?

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. I got one for my birthday and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it now!

  2. 1. Yes that's a pretty addictive world! And an expensive one if you're not careful, because you get to know about so many products you "need". I was really addicted last year but I'm recovering from it at the moment ;)

    2. Instagram is great! Too bad it crashed on me and I can't get it to work again :(

    It's pretty easy to wipe the make-up stains off so it's not a big problem :)
